WhatsApp blocked Gaza-based journalists accounts

Palestinian journalists found their WhatsApp messenger accounts blocked only to be restored a few days later, leaving them without an important communication tool. The incident shows the company Facebook bends to the will of foreign countries, in this case Israel, to push their interests instead of standing in for a free press. source: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/25/israel-blocks-whatsapp-accounts-of-gaza-journalists archived […]

China hacked RSA

The Chinese regime hacked the RSA in an effort to gain access to every foreign entity which used the system to encrypt their digital infrastructure. source: https://www.wired.com/story/the-full-story-of-the-stunning-rsa-hack-can-finally-be-told/ archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2021/05/20/china-hacked-rsa-archived-source/

China manipulates via social media

The Chinese regime makes use of well known social media networks to promote their own agenda, not shying away from the use of fake bot accounts. source: https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2021-05-11-fanatic-fans-or-fake-followers-chinese-diplomats-and-their-social-media-networks archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2021/05/11/china-manipulates-via-social-media-archived-source/

Google boosted its own ad-buying system over competitors

It is well known that Google makes a large part of it’s profit via ad revenue, but court documents reveal that they company also used anti competitive tactics to position themselves against other players in the advertisement business. source: https://www.theverge.com/2021/4/11/22378296/google-secret-project-bernanke-ad-buying-competitors-texas archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2021/04/11/google-boosted-its-own-ad-buying-system-over-competitors-archived-source/

Intel uses analytics to track keystrokes, mouse movements on its website

An analysis of the Intel website revealed extensive tracking of visitors. The company could claim this practice is “done by everyone” but the push back in a form of lawsuits luckily shows that this state of excessive user tracking is not accepted by the general population. source: https://www.theregister.com/2021/03/30/intel_wiretapping_data/ archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2021/03/30/intel-uses-analytics-to-track-keystrokes-mouse-movements-on-its-website-archived-source/

Facebook willingly censored Turkey’s political opposition

On the demand of the Turkish government Facebook agreed to block posts of a Kurdish militia which is targeted by the Turkish government as opponent of the state. Facebook chose to censor the content on their platform to not risk losing any business in Turkey. source: https://www.propublica.org/article/sheryl-sandberg-and-top-facebook-execs-silenced-an-enemy-of-turkey-to-prevent-a-hit-to-their-business archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2021/02/24/facebook-willingly-censored-turkeys-political-opposition-archived-source/

Amazon ring used by police

The police force in Los Angeles, USA uses data gathered by Amazon Ring surveillance devices to persecute persons of interest. Another example of a government misusing a product which was not intended for their purposes. source: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2021/02/lapd-requested-ring-footage-black-lives-matter-protests archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2021/02/16/amazon-ring-used-by-police-archived-source/

TikTok Is Watching You – Even If You Don’t Have an Account

A deep inspection of the TikTok platform reveals an intensive gathering of user data despite opposite claims in their policy. source: https://www.vice.com/en/article/jgqbmk/tiktok-data-collection archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2021/01/21/tiktok-is-watching-you-even-if-you-dont-have-an-account-archived-source/

Elasticsearch and Kibana are now business risks

Elastic, the creator of the open source products Ealsticsearch and Kibana announced a change of the license which can be problematic to companies who made use of these products in the past. source: https://anonymoushash.vmbrasseur.com/2021/01/14/elasticsearch-and-kibana-are-now-business-risks archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2021/01/01/elasticsearch-and-kibana-are-now-business-risks-archived-source/

Google’s AMP is not made to improve speed, but ad revenue

By claiming to introduce new improved technologies Google aims to push their new AMP web framework but in truth the main gain from it is to play into Google’s ad revenue business. source: https://tutanota.com/blog/posts/amp-email-bad-idea/ archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2021/01/08/googles-amp-is-not-made-to-improve-speed-but-ad-revenue-archived-source/

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