Facebook willingly censored Turkey’s political opposition

On the demand of the Turkish government Facebook agreed to block posts of a Kurdish militia which is targeted by the Turkish government as opponent of the state. Facebook chose to censor the content on their platform to not risk losing any business in Turkey. source: https://www.propublica.org/article/sheryl-sandberg-and-top-facebook-execs-silenced-an-enemy-of-turkey-to-prevent-a-hit-to-their-business archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2021/02/24/facebook-willingly-censored-turkeys-political-opposition-archived-source/

Facebook willingly censored Turkey’s political opposition – archived source

Sheryl Sandberg and Top Facebook Execs Silenced an Enemy of Turkey to Prevent a Hit to the Company’s Business Amid a 2018 Turkish military campaign, Facebook ultimately sided with Turkey’s demand to block the page of a mostly Kurdish militia. “I am fine with this,” Sandberg wrote. by Jack Gillum and Justin Elliott – Feb. 24, 2021, 5 […]

Facebook exploits EXIF photo data to track users

Facebook exploits every possibility to gather as much personal information about users as possible, even by overcoming restrictions on platforms which aim to put a stop to their breach of privacy. In this case the EXIF meta data of photos was used to use them as data collection source. source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/zakdoffman/2020/12/13/facebook-tracks-apple-iphone-locations-even-ios-14-and-iphone-12-12-pro-and-pro-max/ archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2020/12/13/facebook-exploits-exif-photo-data-to-track-users-archived-source/

Facebook exploits EXIF photo data to track users – archived source

Facebook ‘Secretly’ Tracks Your iPhone Location—This Is How To Stop It Zak Doffman Dec 13, 2020,06:30am EST Facebook has a data addiction—it can’t help itself. The social media giant’s entire business model is built around collecting, processing and then monetizing our personal information. Facebook seemingly can’t contemplate user information that crosses its path which it […]

Facebook bans dev for publishing tool which prevents facebook addiction

Facebook banned a developer after they learned about his creation of a tool which helps user’s overcome the addiction caused by the social media platform. This shows the company is well aware of it’s unhealthy addictive nature, as it is intended, and does everything in it’s power to prevent user’s escaping it. source: https://slate.com/technology/2021/10/facebook-unfollow-everything-cease-desist.html archived […]

Facebook bans dev for publishing tool which prevents facebook addiction – archived source

Facebook Banned Me for Life Because I Help People Use It Less BY LOUIS BARCLAY – OCT 07, 20219:38 AM If someone built a tool that made Facebook less addictive—a tool that allowed users to benefit from Facebook’s positive features while limiting their exposure to its negative ones—how would Facebook respond? I know the answer, because […]

Google and Amazon want all smart home devices to report every user activity to them

Smart home devices by the tech giants Google and Amazon have been known to track every user interaction when activated via their speech assistant connected to the companies central servers. In a change demanded by the tech companies towards 3rd party manufacturers of home devices now every interaction with a user needs to be reported, […]

Google and Facebook attempt to defeat privacy initiative

The tech giants Google and Facebook attempted to stall and stop an initiative which strengthens the privacy rights of internet users in the USA. Showing these companies put every effort into making sure user data is always as exposed and available to their core business model. source: https://www.techdirt.com/2018/04/13/public-attention-forces-facebook-to-retreat-anti-privacy-alliance-with-isps-california/ archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2018/04/13/google-and-facebook-attempt-to-defeat-privacy-initiative-archived-source/

Google and Facebook attempt to defeat privacy initiative – archived source

Public Attention Forces Facebook To Retreat From Anti-Privacy Alliance With ISPs In California Fri, Apr 13th 2018 01:51pm – Karl Bode Silicon Valley companies have historically not seen eye to eye with giant ISPs, as we saw during the early years of the net neutrality debate. But Google and Facebook recently put aside their differences and joined forces with […]

Google and Facebook collect excessive amounts of user data

An analysis of the amount of data tech giants like Google and Facebook store from tracking user data, showing how the processing of personal user data is their core business model. source: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/mar/28/all-the-data-facebook-google-has-on-you-privacy archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2018/03/30/google-and-facebook-collect-excessive-amount-of-user-data-archived-source/

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