Facebook spied on private messages of Americans who questioned the 2020 election

Facebook reported private messages to the FBI if the content expressed anti-government or anti-authority sentiments. The FBI stated the reports were a waste of their time as no direct planned violent acts could be derived. source: https://nypost.com/2022/09/14/facebook-spied-on-private-messages-of-americans-who-questioned-2020-election/ archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2022/09/14/facebook-spied-on-private-messages-of-americans-who-questioned-the-2020-election-archived-source/

Facebook spied on private messages of Americans who questioned the 2020 election – archived source

Facebook spied on private messages of Americans who questioned 2020 election By Miranda Devine – September 14, 2022 10:18pm  Updated Facebook has been spying on the private messages and data of American users and reporting them to the FBI if they express anti-government or anti-authority sentiments — or question the 2020 election — according to sources within the Department of Justice. Under […]

Facebook collects data even when accounts are deactivated

Even when a Facebook account is deactivated the company continues to use the account in it’s offline state for further data collection and analysis and ad revenue, ignoring the end user’s privacy. source: https://digiday.com/media/why-facebook-keeps-collecting-peoples-data-and-building-their-profiles-even-when-their-accounts-are-deactivated/ archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2021/10/28/facebook-collects-data-even-when-accounts-are-deactivated-archived-source/

Facebook collects data even when accounts are deactivated – archived source

Why Facebook keeps collecting people’s data and building their profiles even when their accounts are deactivated October 28, 2021 | By Kate Kaye Brains hooked up to machines by mad scientists. Tortured spirits stuck between this world and the next. Limp bodies force-fed to stay alive. Any of these creepy horror flick scenarios might be fitting to […]

WhatsApp “end-to-end encrypted” messages aren’t that private after all

Albeit the claim by Facebook about the messages in their WhatsApp messenger service being end-to-encrypted this seems not to be the case, exposing every content send via the service and violating the end user’s privacy. source: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/09/whatsapp-end-to-end-encrypted-messages-arent-that-private-after-all/ archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2021/09/08/whatsapp-end-to-end-encrypted-messages-arent-that-private-after-all-archived-source/

WhatsApp “end-to-end encrypted” messages aren’t that private after all – archived source

WhatsApp “end-to-end encrypted” messages aren’t that private after all Millions of WhatsApp messages are reviewed by both AI and human moderators. JIM SALTER – 9/8/2021, 11:33 PM Yesterday, independent newsroom ProPublica published a detailed piece examining the popular WhatsApp messaging platform’s privacy claims. The service famously offers “end-to-end encryption,” which most users interpret as meaning that Facebook, WhatsApp’s owner […]

Facebook is reportedly trying to analyze encrypted data without decrypting it

Facebook builds a team with the task to analyze encrypted user data without decrypting it. It shows the company has no respect for end user privacy and only aims to gain as much profit as possible from selling as much user data as they can in every way possible. source: https://www.techspot.com/news/90660-facebook-reportedly-trying-analyze-encrypted-data-without-decrypting.html archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2021/08/03/facebook-is-reportedly-trying-to-analyze-encrypted-data-without-decrypting-it-archived-source/

Facebook is reportedly trying to analyze encrypted data without decrypting it – archived source

Facebook is reportedly trying to analyze encrypted data without decrypting it A very slippery slope By Shawn Knight August 3, 2021 at 2:11 PM A hot potato: Facebook is reportedly building a team that’ll be tasked with learning how to analyze encrypted data without decrypting it. Given the company’s rocky history with user privacy, this seems like the last […]

WhatsApp blocked Gaza-based journalists accounts

Palestinian journalists found their WhatsApp messenger accounts blocked only to be restored a few days later, leaving them without an important communication tool. The incident shows the company Facebook bends to the will of foreign countries, in this case Israel, to push their interests instead of standing in for a free press. source: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/25/israel-blocks-whatsapp-accounts-of-gaza-journalists archived […]

WhatsApp blocked Gaza-based journalists accounts – archived source

Gaza-based journalists say their accounts blocked by WhatsApp The latest move by Facebook left Palestinian users and their allies wondering if they had been singled out for censorship. 25 May 2021 A few hours after the latest ceasefire took effect in the Gaza Strip, a number of Palestinian journalists in the coastal enclave – including […]

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