Ford sells customer data

By facing a decline in revenue Ford is looking for new ways of making a profit and does not shy away from selling their customer data to 3rd parties. source: archived source:

China implanted spy chips on supermicro motherboards

A chip was found on Supermicro motherboards which is not part of the initial design and is used to compromise any system installed on the hardware. The Chinese regime exploits the fact that most hardware in today’s supply chain is manufactured in China to secretly alter it and add chips which in the end goal […]

New Zealand introduces new law to search travelers devices

New Zealand introduced a new law which can lead to travelers having to pay a fine if they do not accept access to their phones when crossing the country’s border. Although the search of digital devices is common at many country borders, this is the first case of a fine introduced for travelers who refuse […]

Google and Facebook attempt to defeat privacy initiative

The tech giants Google and Facebook attempted to stall and stop an initiative which strengthens the privacy rights of internet users in the USA. Showing these companies put every effort into making sure user data is always as exposed and available to their core business model. source: archived source:

Google and Facebook collect excessive amounts of user data

An analysis of the amount of data tech giants like Google and Facebook store from tracking user data, showing how the processing of personal user data is their core business model. source: archived source:

Intel forces non-free hardware implementation on consumers via their Management Engine

Intel’s Management Engine (ME) aims to ease the administration of computers especially in corporate environments but is forced upon private end users in a way that the implementation in the hardware cannot be disabled or removed and in it’s closed source form displays a violation of the end user’s security and freedom of choice. source: […]

Chinese Army killed 10,000 at Tiananmen Square

In 1989 the Chinese regime had 10,000 people killed at Tiananmen Square as they were protesting for a democratic change in the country. For decades the Chinese regime attempts to alter the course of history by censoring every mention of the event and it is important to remind the world what happened. source: archived […]

Discord is spyware

Discord is a closed source centralized messenger software which practices excessive user data collection. source: archived source:

Microsoft gathers as much telemetry through Windows as possible

After the installation of a mayor upgrade of the Windows operating system it was found that a setting which limited the amount of collected telemetry was set to the highest level without the user’s consent. It shows the company does not respect the end user’s choice for privacy and aims to always collect as much […]

Google tries to silence free press for reporting about their unfair market practices

A journalist was forced to take down a critical article which describes the practices used by Google which can be seen as an unfair way to gain a competitive advantage on the online search engine market. It shows the influence Google tries to force even upon the free press to silence critical voices about their […]

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