Microsoft informs the NSA of bugs in Windows before fixing them

Microsoft reports software bugs in their operating system to US intelligence agencies before publicly releasing a fix, allowing the agencies to exploit the bugs for their own surveillance programs by infiltrating targeted computer systems. Instead of putting the security and privacy of their users first the company willingly exposes them to malicious actors. source: […]

Google Play Store shares personal user information with app developers

When user’s buy an app on Google’s Play Store the full personal information stored for purchasing purposes are shared with the app’s developer. This fact can only be found in the fine print of the company’s terms of services and is not communicated to the end user’s in a way of making them aware of […]

Skype likely allows 3rd party access to all conversations

After the acquisition by Microsoft of the communication software vendor Skype, changes were made to the platform, towards are more centralized controlled system. Pressured for questions if the company works together with intelligence agencies to allow access to user communication were not clearly answered, leading to the suspicion of the company doing so. source: […]

Microsoft has the ability to remotely delete Windows 8 apps

Microsoft admitted the possibility of the remote removal of apps installed on Windows systems without the user’s consent, displaying the fact that users of the Windows operating system have little to no control over their property. source:–we-can-remotely-delete-windows-8-apps.html archived source:

Apple censors information about abortion providers

When looking for information about abortion clinics via Apple’s assistant there might be no results depending on which place in the USA the search is conducted. The assumption is Apple is bending to the will of lobbyists who condemn abortion and other practices. source #1:’s_siri_hiding_abortion_info_10_things_the_device_will_help_you_get_instead_of_abortion archived source #1: source #2: archived source […]

Apple’s mail service silently censors the mail people send

It was found that EMails which are sent via Apple’s mail service are scanned and based on the found content the company can decide not to deliver the message without notifying the user about it. This displays an excessive privacy violation. source: archived source:

German police paid for trojan to access Skype user communication

The German police hired a company to create a trojan which aimed to gain access to users who use the Skype messenger, which was known at the time to be inaccessible to foreign parties due to the encryption and decentralized structure. The aim was to undermine the citizens secure communication capabilities. source: archived source: […]

Microsoft apologizes for updating Windows without user consent

Users of the Microsoft Windows operating system found system compontents had been updated despite the system wide configuration of disabling automatic updates. It proves that end users of the Windows operating system do not have the full control over their system as they might think. source: archived source:

Microsoft Windows contains a NSA backdoor access

It was revealed that the Microsoft Windows operating system contains a cryptographic key used by the NSA intelligence agency, likely used to allow access to data on any copy of the operating system used worldwide. source: archived source:

A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace

An open letter aimed against the Telecommunications Reform Act and instead describing what the Internet truly is. source: archived source:

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