Backdoor in Juniper network devices

Multiple backdoors were discovered within the OS used on Juniper network devices which allows an attacker to monitor and alter all network traffic. The backdoor is believed to come from a big nation funded operation and mainly not only shows the obvious malicious infiltration of global network infrastructure but also the danger in the nature […]

Microsoft downloads Windows 10 on user machines without asking

Microsoft pushed the multiple GB big update of their operating system Windows 10 to users who are running Windows 7 and 8, without the users’ consent or and interest in the new version. It displays the company’s patronizing attitude towards their users, taking away the control over the systems which are their property. source: […]

Lenovo ships laptops with preinstalled malware

It was found that Lenovo Laptops were shipped with a preinstalled malware which is capable of remotely installing software and sending data back to the company. Since the malware is integrated into the devices firmware even a fresh install of the operating system can not help to avoid it as in the case of the […]

NSA infiltrated HDD firmware

Security researchers found out that over years the NSA manipulated the firmware of HDDs which allowed to compromise systems all over the world in a way which is almost impossible to detect by any operating system. This shows the effort the agency puts into spying on foreign countries, corporations and end users. source: archived […]

Apple forces content on users

In a PR stunt to promote their media platform iTunes, Apple initiated the delivery of U2’s then new album for free. Users found out the content had been loaded automatically without consent onto their accounts and could not find a way to remove it. This may seem a harmless incident but shows how the vendor […]

Microsoft cooperated with the NSA and FBI for access to user data in the cloud

Microsoft openly cooperated with the NSA and FBI US intelligence agencies under the FISA Amendment Act and allowed full access to all user data stored in the companies cloud infrastructure. source: archived source:

Backdoor in Samsung Galaxy devices

A backdoor was found in Samsung devices which allows remote access to user data. Although the company claims this does not present a security risk and is an intended feature it shows the carelessness towards the user base and it is questionable if the backdoor has been used in the past by either Samsung itself […]

Google’s Email service is used to profile all users

When Google first launched it’s new Email service for free with almost unlimited storage space it drove many users to the service. But the drawback is that every Email sent and received via a Gmail account is scanned and analyzed by the company in the aim for ad revenue and also to create profiles of […]

LG Smart TVs logging USB filenames and viewing info to LG servers

It was discovered that SmartTVs by the vendor LG do not only send excessive telemetry data to their central servers but go a step further and even include data obtained from USB devices connected to the SmartTV. source: archived source:

Skype cooperates with the US government to allow access to user communications

The Skype software and infrastructure was changed in a way to abide the demands by the US intelligence agencies to allow access to all user communication. source: archived source:

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