Chinese Army killed 10,000 at Tiananmen Square – archived source

Several hundred of 200,000 pro-democracy student protesters face to face with policemen outside the Great Hall of the People in Tiananmen Square (Image: AFP)

‘Remains were hosed down drains’: Chinese Army ‘killed 10,000 in Tiananmen Square crackdown fearing civil war was imminent’

The true scale of the 1989 horror was described by British ambassador Alan Donald in newly-released cables

By Keith PerryReporter – 23:03, 23 Dec 2017

The Chinese army crackdown on the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests killed at least 10,000 people, according to newly-released UK documents.

The documents provide horrific detail of the massacre, alleging that wounded female students were bayoneted as they begged for their lives, human remains were “hosed down the drains”, and a mother was shot as she tried to go to the aid of her injured three-year-old daughter.

The figure was given in a secret diplomatic cable from then British ambassador to China, Alan Donald.

The original source was a friend of a member of China’s State Council, the envoy says.

Previous estimates of the deaths in the pro-democracy protests ranged from several hundred to more than 1,000.

China’s statement at the end of June 1989 said that 200 civilians and several dozen security personnel had died in Beijing following the suppression of “counter-revolutionary riots” on 4 June 1989.

A lone demonstrator stands down a column of tanks June 5, 1989 ( Image: Getty Images)
More than a million of Chinese workers filled the streets of Beijing on May 18, 1989 to support the students’ pro-democracy movement ( Image: AFP)

Mr Donald’s telegram is from 5 June, and he says his source was someone who “was passing on information given him by a close friend who is currently a member of the State Council”.

The council is effectively China’s ruling cabinet and is chaired by the premier.

The cables are held at the UK National Archives in London and were declassified in October, when they were seen by the HK01 news site.

Mr Donald said the source had been reliable in the past “and was careful to separate fact from speculation and rumour”.

Onlookers watch a truck filled with pro-democracy demonstrators who are flashing V for victory signs and sporting a big red protest banner ( Image: LightRocket)

The envoy wrote: “Students understood they were given one hour to leave square but after five minutes APCs attacked.

“Students linked arms but were mown down including soldiers.

“APCs then ran over bodies time and time again to make ‘pie’ and remains collected by bulldozer.

“Remains incinerated and then hosed down drains.

“Four wounded girl students begged for their lives but were bayoneted.”

Mr Donald added that “some members of the State Council considered that civil war is imminent”.

More than 10,000 were killed in the Army crackdown, a British diplomat was told ( Image: LightRocket)

The political protest had lasted seven weeks before the army was sent in and it was the largest such demonstration in Communist China’s history.

The killings remain highly sensitive in China.

China bans all activists’ commemorations and highly regulates online discussion of the incident, including censoring criticism. But it is marked annually by activists elsewhere in the world, particularly in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
