TikTok’s search engine repeatedly delivers misinformation

When users search for information within the TikTok app it was reported that up to 20% of the results show unchecked false misinformation, e.g. about COVID-19 vaccines or school shootings. The misinformation plays in the goals of the Chinese regime, to which the TikTok company has ties to, to undermine the app’s audience in western […]

TikTok’s search engine repeatedly delivers misinformation – archived source

TikTok’s search engine repeatedly delivers misinformation to its majority-young user base, report says By Emma Tucker, CNN – Updated 2311 GMT (0711 HKT) September 18, 2022 (CNN)When a TikTok user searches the social media app for information on top news stories, ranging from Covid-19 vaccines to school shootings, nearly 20% of the videos presented as search […]

TikTok uses every technical possibility to obtain as much user data as possible

An Analysis of the TikTok app reveals it is implemented in a way which makes it possible to obtain any input on the device, including sensitive data like credit card credentials. source: https://krausefx.com/blog/announcing-inappbrowsercom-see-what-javascript-commands-get-executed-in-an-in-app-browser archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2022/08/18/tiktok-uses-every-technical-possibility-to-obtain-as-much-user-data-as-possible-archived-source/

TikTok uses every technical possibility to obtain as much user data as possible – archived source

iOS Privacy: Announcing InAppBrowser.com – see what JavaScript commands get injected through an in-app browser Aug 18, 2022 Last week I published a report on the risks of mobile apps using in-app browsers. Some apps, like Instagram and Facebook, inject JavaScript code into third party websites that cause potential security and privacy risks to the user. […]

TikTok downplays it’s association with China

Leaked documents show the company’s policy for publicly communicating sensitive topics, among them the often criticized association with the totalitarian regime in China. Employees are directed to avoid direct questions concerning these topics. source: https://gizmodo.com/tiktok-master-messaging-pr-playbook-china-music-1849334736 archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2022/07/27/tiktok-downplays-its-association-with-china-archived-source/

TikTok downplays it’s association with China – archived source

Inside TikTok’s Attempts to ‘Downplay the China Association’ Leaked documents detail what TikTok tells the media—and what it doesn’t. By Chris Stokel-Walker – 7/27/22 6:00AM Leaked documents from within TikTok reveal how the company games out responses to tricky questions — and highlight what the company thinks its biggest public perception problems are. Chief among […]

TikTok blocked creators from using ‘Black Lives Matter’ in bios

TikTok users discovered they cannot use certain text like “Black Lives Matter” in their profile. This shows the arbitrary censorship by the platform. source: https://thehill.com/homenews/media/562146-tiktok-blocked-creators-from-using-black-lives-matter-in-bios/ archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2021/07/08/tiktok-blocked-creators-from-using-black-lives-matter-in-bios-archived-source/

TikTok blocked creators from using ‘Black Lives Matter’ in bios – archived source

TikTok blocked creators from using ‘Black Lives Matter’ in bios BY CAMERON JENKINS – 07/08/21 4:16 PM ET TikTok has reportedly blocked users of its Creator Marketplace from being able to use words and phrases including “Black” and “Black Lives Matter” in their bios, flagging the words as “inappropriate content.” Ziggi Tyler, 23, who is […]

TikTok Quietly Updated Privacy Policy to Collect Faceprints and Voiceprints

TikTok updated their privacy policy in an attempt to cover the legitimacy of collecting even more data from their end users. source: https://www.pandasecurity.com/en/mediacenter/security/tiktok-privacy-faceprints/ archived source: https://wellthissucks.xyz/2021/06/22/tiktok-quietly-updated-privacy-policy-to-collect-faceprints-and-voiceprints-archived-source/

TikTok Quietly Updated Privacy Policy to Collect Faceprints and Voiceprints – archived source

TikTok Quietly Updated Privacy Policy to Collect Faceprints and Voiceprints June 22, 2021 2 minute read TikTok, one of the most downloaded apps of 2021 so far, decided to quietly update its privacy policy to collect biometric identifiers and biometric information know in the US as faceprints and voiceprints. The trendy app, owned by the Chinese internet […]

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