Skype cooperates with the US government to allow access to user communications

The Skype software and infrastructure was changed in a way to abide the demands by the US intelligence agencies to allow access to all user communication. source: archived source:

Skype cooperates with the US government to allow access to user communications – archived source

Project Chess: How U.S. Snoops On Your Skype Peter Cohan Contributor – Jun 20, 2013, 07:48am EDT If you thought that the U.S. government only tracks meta-data on your calls or scoops up your Facebook page and YouTube videos, think again. Skype — a subsidiary of Microsoft since October 2011 when Redmond bought it for $8.5 billion — […]

Skype likely allows 3rd party access to all conversations

After the acquisition by Microsoft of the communication software vendor Skype, changes were made to the platform, towards are more centralized controlled system. Pressured for questions if the company works together with intelligence agencies to allow access to user communication were not clearly answered, leading to the suspicion of the company doing so. source: […]

Skype likely allows 3rd party access to all conversations – archived source

Skype Won’t Say Whether It Can Eavesdrop on Your Conversations BY RYAN GALLAGHER – JULY 20, 2012 4:37 PM New surveillance laws being proposed in countries from the United States to Australia would force makers of online chat software to build in backdoors for wiretapping. For years, the popular video chat service Skype has resisted taking part in online surveillance—but […]