Google’s Email service is used to profile all users

When Google first launched it’s new Email service for free with almost unlimited storage space it drove many users to the service. But the drawback is that every Email sent and received via a Gmail account is scanned and analyzed by the company in the aim for ad revenue and also to create profiles of […]

Google’s Email service is used to profile all users – archived source

The Psychological Dark Side of Gmail  Yasha Levine, PandoDaily and December 29, 2013 This article first appeared on PandoDaily.  “We know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less know what you’re thinking about.” “Your digital identity will live forever… because there’s no delete button.” —Eric Schmidt Some of the biggest names in Silicon Valley […]

LG Smart TVs logging USB filenames and viewing info to LG servers

It was discovered that SmartTVs by the vendor LG do not only send excessive telemetry data to their central servers but go a step further and even include data obtained from USB devices connected to the SmartTV. source: archived source:

LG Smart TVs logging USB filenames and viewing info to LG servers – archived source

LG Smart TVs logging USB filenames and viewing info to LG servers Earlier this month I discovered that my new LG Smart TV was displaying ads on the Smart landing screen. After some investigation, I found a rather creepy corporate video (since removed, mirror here) advertising their data collection practices to potential advertisers. It’s quite long but a […]

Skype cooperates with the US government to allow access to user communications

The Skype software and infrastructure was changed in a way to abide the demands by the US intelligence agencies to allow access to all user communication. source: archived source:

Skype cooperates with the US government to allow access to user communications – archived source

Project Chess: How U.S. Snoops On Your Skype Peter Cohan Contributor – Jun 20, 2013, 07:48am EDT If you thought that the U.S. government only tracks meta-data on your calls or scoops up your Facebook page and YouTube videos, think again. Skype — a subsidiary of Microsoft since October 2011 when Redmond bought it for $8.5 billion — […]

Microsoft informs the NSA of bugs in Windows before fixing them

Microsoft reports software bugs in their operating system to US intelligence agencies before publicly releasing a fix, allowing the agencies to exploit the bugs for their own surveillance programs by infiltrating targeted computer systems. Instead of putting the security and privacy of their users first the company willingly exposes them to malicious actors. source: […]

Microsoft informs the NSA of bugs in Windows before fixing them – archived source

How Can Any Company Ever Trust Microsoft Again? Glyn Moody – Published 14:34, 17 June 13 Irrespective of the details of the current revelations about US spying being provided by Edward Snowden in the Guardian, there is already a huge collateral benefit. On the one hand, the US government is falling over itself to deny some […]

Google Play Store shares personal user information with app developers

When user’s buy an app on Google’s Play Store the full personal information stored for purchasing purposes are shared with the app’s developer. This fact can only be found in the fine print of the company’s terms of services and is not communicated to the end user’s in a way of making them aware of […]

Google Play Store shares personal user information with app developers – archived source

Google Play Store policy raises privacy concerns By Reuters | Updated: 15 February 2013 15:50 IST Google Inc’s privacy practices are drawing heat after an Australian software developer said the company was providing him with personal information, including email addresses, of everyone who purchased his mobile app. The information that Google shared, which included customers’ […]

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