Google pulls adblocking app for Samsung phones – archived souce

Google pulls adblocking app for Samsung phones Jasper Jackson – Wed 3 Feb 2016 23.19 GMT Adblock Fast downloaded 50,000 times since Monday – but is thought to have breached Google’s rules for disrupting third-party services Google has pulled an adblocking app for Samsung phones from its Play Store just days after it was launched. The Adblock […]

Google aids Pakistan in censorship of their video platform

Google collaborates with the government in Pakistan to deploy a local version of the video platform YouTube, allowing the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority to censor the platform’s content on their own behalf. Prior to the collaboration the service was completely banned in the country due to the lack of censorship possibilities. Instead of standing in for […]

Google aids Pakistan in censorship of their video platform – archived source

Pakistan’s YouTube ban lifted Reuters – Tue 19 Jan 2016 07.37 GM TLast modified on Wed 29 Nov 2017 04.00 GMT Video-sharing site has launched a local channel that gives the government power to demand material is withdrawn Pakistan has removed a three-year ban on YouTube after the video-sharing website launched a local version that […]

Microsoft may be collecting more data than initially thought

Reports published by Microsoft indicate that the data collected on the Windows operating system goes beyond what was initially thought so far including in detail the used software on the system. It shows the non-transparent way the vendor forces the collection of telemetry on it’s end users. source: archived source:

Microsoft may be collecting more data than initially thought – archived source

Microsoft may be collecting more data than initially thought MARTIN BRINKMANN – Jan 5, 2016 Microsoft recently told the world that its new Windows 10 operating system was active on over 200 million devices, a fact that leaked a week earlier already. The company stated that Windows 10 was its fastest growing operating system to date beating Windows 8 […]

Backdoor in Juniper network devices – archived source

Secret Code Found in Juniper’s Firewalls Shows Risk of Government Backdoors Suspicious code found in Juniper’s firewall software underscores why governments shouldn’t be allowed to install their own backdoors in software. ENCRYPTION BACKDOORS HAVE been a hot topic in the last few years—and the controversial issue got even hotter after the terrorist attacks in Paris and […]

Backdoor in Juniper network devices

Multiple backdoors were discovered within the OS used on Juniper network devices which allows an attacker to monitor and alter all network traffic. The backdoor is believed to come from a big nation funded operation and mainly not only shows the obvious malicious infiltration of global network infrastructure but also the danger in the nature […]

Apple censors information about abortion providers – archived source #2

Apple, your anti-choice tendencies are showing in your app store Jess Zimmerman – Wed 23 Sep 2015 11.45 BST The rejection of the ‘Hinder’ app is a symptom of the tech giant’s ongoing hostility toward reproductive rights Lady Parts Justice, a self-described “cabal” of pro-choice comedians, released a satirical app called “Hinder” that lets you […]

Microsoft downloads Windows 10 on user machines without asking

Microsoft pushed the multiple GB big update of their operating system Windows 10 to users who are running Windows 7 and 8, without the users’ consent or and interest in the new version. It displays the company’s patronizing attitude towards their users, taking away the control over the systems which are their property. source: […]

Microsoft downloads Windows 10 on user machines without asking – archived source

Microsoft downloads Windows 10 on user machines without asking Samuel Gibbs – Fri 11 Sep 2015 10.53 BST Last modified on Tue 21 Feb 2017 17.50 GMT Automatic updates now include Windows 10 and up to 6GB of storage claimed on hard drives for those using Windows 7, 8 or 8.1, according to reports Microsoft […]

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