Discord is spyware – archived source

Discord Discord is an instant messaging application for macOS, Windows, GNU/Linux, Android, and iOS. Discord is used to communicate via voice chat and text chat, and has image-sharing and file-sharing capabilities. Spyware Level: EXTREMELY HIGH Thanks to Richard Stallman for linking to our article here! The spotlight is very much appreciated. Discord is spyware because it collects […]

Microsoft gathers as much telemetry through Windows as possible

After the installation of a mayor upgrade of the Windows operating system it was found that a setting which limited the amount of collected telemetry was set to the highest level without the user’s consent. It shows the company does not respect the end user’s choice for privacy and aims to always collect as much […]

Microsoft gathers as much telemetry through Windows as possible – archived source

Dutch privacy regulator says Windows 10 breaks the law Regulator says Microsoft doesn’t offer enough information to enable informed consent. ARS STAFF – 10/13/2017, 8:45 PM The lack of clear information about what Microsoft does with the data that Windows 10 collects prevents consumers from giving their informed consent, says the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA). As such, […]

Google tries to silence free press for reporting about their unfair market practices

A journalist was forced to take down a critical article which describes the practices used by Google which can be seen as an unfair way to gain a competitive advantage on the online search engine market. It shows the influence Google tries to force even upon the free press to silence critical voices about their […]

Google tries to silence free press for reporting about their unfair market practices – archived source

Yes, Google Uses Its Power To Quash Ideas It Doesn’t Like — I Know Because It Happened To Me Kashmir Hill – September 1, 2017 at 2:45 pm The story in the New York Times this week was unsettling: The New America Foundation, a major think tank, was getting rid of one of its teams of scholars, the […]

Apple aids China in censorship – archived source

Apple’s capitulation to China’s VPN crackdown will return to haunt it at home Mike Butcher@mikebutcher / 6:11 PM GMT+2•July 30, 2017 Headache? Tense nervous headache? Perhaps your name is Tim Cook. For poor Tim has woken up this Sunday morning with a giant headache, and its name is China. Yesterday Apple removed all major VPN apps from its […]

Apple aids China in censorship

Under the pressure of the Chinese government Apple removed all VPN apps from their App Store in the Chinese region. These apps helped to access content which otherwise would be inaccessible from within China as internet content is strictly controlled by the Chinese government to silence critical voices. By aiding the Chinese government in this […]

Microsoft is infesting Windows 10 with annoying ads

Microsoft uses their product Windows to display advertisement to the user deeply integrated within the operating system, showing the company does not see the distribution of their operating system as their main core business but as a platform for making profit from ad revenue. End users who expect to use the Windows operating system an […]

Microsoft is infesting Windows 10 with annoying ads – archived source

Microsoft is infesting Windows 10 with annoying ads File Explorer ads and bundled apps are the final straw By Tom Warren@tomwarren  Mar 17, 2017, 8:30am EDT  I’ve sat back and witnessed the development of Windows 10 and appreciated the speed of new feature releases, but it seems there’s a price to pay for this new “Windows as […]

Microsoft’s chatbot in China abides the regime’s censorship rules

When confronted with certain keywords, the Chinese version of the Microsoft chatbot “Xiaobing”, responded either with avoidance or straight up confrontation towards the chat partner. The keywords relate to topics the Chinese regime does not want their citizens to know about. The implementation in the chatbot by Microsoft shows the company abides the Chinese regime’s […]

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