EU Parliament approves mass surveillance of private communications

The EU parliament approved a derogation which allows law enforcement agencies the mass surveillance of all messaging services, opening the doors to unjustified breaches of privacy for innocent citizens. source: archived source:

EU Parliament approves mass surveillance of private communications – archived source

#CHATCONTROL: EU PARLIAMENT APPROVES MASS SURVEILLANCE OF PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS JULY 6, 2021 Brussels, 06/07/2021 – Today, the European Parliament approved the ePrivacy Derogation, allowing providers of e-mail and messaging services to automatically search all personal messages of each citizen for presumed suspect content and report suspected cases to the police. The European Pirates Delegation in […]

Google Assistant Records Audio Even When You’re Not Using It

Concerns raised by privacy advocates got fueled by reports of Google home devices recording audio even when they are not actively used. source: archived source:

Google Assistant Records Audio Even When You’re Not Using It – archived source

Google Assistant Records Audio Even When You’re Not Using It, Company Reportedly Admits Teejay Boris, Tech Times 01 July 2021, 06:07 am Google Assistant records your conversations even when not in use, the company reportedly admitted to an Indian government panel.  So, it turns out that even without saying the word “OK Google,” the AI Assistant […]

TikTok Quietly Updated Privacy Policy to Collect Faceprints and Voiceprints

TikTok updated their privacy policy in an attempt to cover the legitimacy of collecting even more data from their end users. source: archived source:

TikTok Quietly Updated Privacy Policy to Collect Faceprints and Voiceprints – archived source

TikTok Quietly Updated Privacy Policy to Collect Faceprints and Voiceprints June 22, 2021 2 minute read TikTok, one of the most downloaded apps of 2021 so far, decided to quietly update its privacy policy to collect biometric identifiers and biometric information know in the US as faceprints and voiceprints. The trendy app, owned by the Chinese internet […]

Google installs apps without consent

It was found that Google pushed the installation of software to end user’s Android smartphones without their consent. This example shows that Android Smartphones with the default Google Play services are not really in the control of the user as the company has the power to remotely install and uninstall software as they please. source: […]

Google installs apps without consent – archived source

Massachusetts ‘MassNotify’ Android app auto-installed, but COVID exposure alerts are not enabled [Updated] Abner Li – Jun. 19th 2021 12:29 pm PT According to many user reports over the past day, MassNotify — the Massachusetts exposure notifications app  — was automatically installed on Android phones without warning. It’s unclear if this was an intentional decision or a bug, but exposure notifications did […]

Apple gives Chinese Government Access to iCloud Data and Censored Apps

To not lost any footing in the Chinese market, Apple does not put in any effort to stand up against the Chinese regime and instead bends to their bidding, giving full access to customer data and giving in censorship. source: archived source:

Apple is enabling censorship of LGBTQ+ apps

It was found that Apple willingly censored LGBTQ+ related apps from their app store in multiple countries which condone the LGBTQ+ community. Instead of standing up against censorship and the oppression of certain social groups, Apple decides to bend the will of foreign countries to not lose their business footing. source: archived source:

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