Apple asks Taiwan suppliers to label products as ‘Made in China’

Apple asked suppliers in Taiwan to label their products as ‘made in China’ to appease the Chinese regime which does not accept Taiwan as a sovereign country. Instead of standing up against the suppression of a country the Apple company prefers to comply with the Chinese regime in favor for their business in the country. […]

Apple asks Taiwan suppliers to label products as ‘Made in China’ – archived source

Apple asks Taiwan suppliers to label products as ‘Made in China’ ILENA ILARDO – MONDAY 08 AUGUST 2022 4:43 AM Apple yesterday asked Taiwan-based suppliers to use the ‘made in China’ label, as the firm reportedly wants products to comply with Bejing rule in a bid to avoid disruption from Chinese customs inspections. According to […]

Apple Practice of Changing Former Employee Titles

It got known about a practice by the tech giant Apple to change the title of former employees to “associate” in an aim to lower their chances on the job market e.g. to be hired by possible competitors. source: archived source:

Apple Practice of Changing Former Employee Titles – archived source

Apple Practice of Changing Former Employee Titles to ‘Associate’, Spurs Complaint BY NEHAL MALIK Former Apple software engineer and #AppleToo founder, Cher Scarlett, has filed a complaint with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) against her ex-employer for changing her job title to “associate” in databases that employers regularly refer to for verification of past […]

Apple scans all images on iPhones – archived source #3

Bugs in our pockets? 2021-10-15 In August, Apple announced a system to check all our iPhones for illegal images, then delayed its launch after widespread pushback. Yet some governments continue to press for just such a surveillance system, and the EU is due to announce a new child protection law at the start of December. Now, […]

Apple is censoring words and phrases customers can engrave on products

In another aim to appease the Chinese regime, Apple censors certain keywords customers are able to engrave on Apple products, keywords which are related to protests against the Chinese regime. source: archived source:

Apple is censoring words and phrases customers can engrave on products – archived source

The four numbers Apple won’t let you engrave on your iPad in China ‘Much of this censorship exceeds Apple’s legal obligations’ By James Vincent  Aug 19, 2021, 6:06am EDT Apple is censoring words and phrases customers can engrave on products in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, according to a new report by Toronto-based research institute The Citizen Lab. […]

Apple scans all images on iPhones – archived source #2

One Bad Apple Sunday, 8 August 2021 My in-box has been flooded over the last few days about Apple’s CSAM announcement. Everyone seems to want my opinion since I’ve been deep into photo analysis technologies and the reporting of child exploitation materials. In this blog entry, I’m going to go over what Apple announced, existing […]

Apple scans all images on iPhones without user consent

Apple planned to implement a system which scans all images stored on iPhone smartphones with the goal of finding illegal content to pass on to law enforcement agencies. The difference between this system and the fact that user data is already scanned on the iCloud is the fact that this would be a system running […]

Apple scans all images on iPhones – archived source #1

Apple plans to scan US iPhones for child abuse imagery Security researchers raise alarm over potential surveillance of personal devices. MADHUMITA MURGIA AND TIM BRADSHAW, FINANCIAL TIMES – 8/5/2021, 8:35 PM Apple intends to install software on American iPhones to scan for child abuse imagery, according to people briefed on its plans, raising alarm among security researchers […]

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